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Author(s): Simões, F.
Date: 2024
Title: Rural NEETs' hope across the COVID-19 pandemic: A bioecological longitudinal mapping
Journal title: Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology
Volume: 34
Number: 4
Reference: Simões, F. (2024). Rural NEETs' hope across the COVID-19 pandemic: A bioecological longitudinal mapping. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 34(4), Article e2860.
ISSN: 1052-9284
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.1002/casp.2860
Keywords: Bioecological model
Public employment services
Abstract: My aim is to map the socioecology of rural emergent adults Not in Employment, nor in Education or Training (NEET)'s hope during the COVID-19 pandemic period. The study involved 213 participants (M age = 26.35; DP = 4.15; 66.20% women) in a three-wave longitudinal study running between June 2020 and June 2021, in The Azores Islands, Portugal. Inspired by the bioecological model and using a linear mixed model approach, I found that: (i) female NEETs presented a significantly worse evolution of hope dimensions levels compared to men; (ii) while inactive NEETs' agency estimates increased as a result of an increment in Public Employment Services' (PES) support, unemployed NEETs' estimates decreased over time to the point that they were below inactive NEETs' agency rates at higher levels of PES support; and (iii) at higher levels of collectivism, unemployed NEETs showed more positive and significant estimates of perceived ability to achieve goals compared to inactive NEETs, conversely to what happened at lower levels of perceived collectivism. These results show the need to better tailor PES' services and interventions to different types of NEETs, addressing structural inequalities (e.g., gender gap) or the role of service digitalization for rural NEETs' different subgroups.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Embargoed Access
Appears in Collections:CIS-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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