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Results 1-10 of 65 (Search time: 0.015 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2020Pictorial campaigns on intimate partner violence focusing on victimized men: a systematic content analysisReis, E.; Arriaga, P.; Moleiro, C.; Hospital, X.ArticleOpen Access
2016'The place i long to be': Resilience processes in migrantsRoberto, S.; Moleiro, C.; Ramos, N.; Freire, J.ArticleOpen Access
2018Integrating diversity into therapy processes: the role of individual and cultural diversity competences in promoting equality of careMoleiro, C.; Freire, J.; Pinto, N.; Roberto, S.ArticleOpen Access
2017Having friends with gay friends? The role of extended contact, empathy and threat on assertive bystanders behavioral intentionsAntónio, R.; Guerra, R.; Moleiro, C.ArticleOpen Access
2017Autonomy-connectedness in collectivistic cultures: an exploratory cross-cultural study among Portuguese natives, Cape-Verdean and Chinese people residing in PortugalMoleiro, C.; Ratinho, I.; Bernardes, S. F.ArticleOpen Access
2011Que integração em psicoterapia: um estudo descritivo das práticas de psicoterapeutas portuguesesCravo, A.; Moleiro, C.ArticleOpen Access
2016Violência doméstica: boas práticas no apoio a vítimas LGBT: guia de boas práticas para profissionais de estruturas de apoio a vítimasMoleiro, C.; Pinto, N.; Oliveira, J. M.; Santos, M. H.BookOpen Access
2015Gender trajectories: transsexual people coming to terms with their gender identitiesPinto, N.; Moleiro, C.ArticleOpen Access
2013Effects of age on spiritual well-being and homonegativity: religious identity and practices among LGB persons in PortugalMoleiro, C.; Pinto, N.; Freire, JArticleOpen Access
2020Stay away or stay together? Social contagion, common identity, and bystanders’ interventions in homophobic bullying episodesAntónio, R.; Guerra, R.; Moleiro, C.ArticleOpen Access