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Results 1-10 of 70 (Search time: 0.01 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2015Development and validation of the measure of initial attraction – interest short scale (MIA-I)Rodrigues, D.; Lopes, D.ArticleOpen Access
2022With or without Emoji? Perceptions about Emoji use in different brand-consumer communication contextsCavalheiro, B. P.; Prada, M.; Rodrigues, D. L.; Garrido, M. V.; Lopes, D.ArticleOpen Access
2021With or without you: associations between frequency of internet pornography use and sexual relationship outcomes for (non)consensual (non)monogamous individualsRodrigues, D. L.; Lopes, D.; Dawson, K.; Visser, R.; Štulhofer, A.ArticleOpen Access
2020Knowledge and acceptance of interventions aimed at reducing sugar intake in PortugalPrada, M.; Rodrigues, D. L.; Godinho, C. A.; Lopes, D.; Garrido, M. V.ArticleOpen Access
2021Little “We’s”: how common identities improve behavior differently for ethnic majority and minority childrenGuerra, R.; Waldzus, S.; Lopes, D.; Popa-Roch, M.; Lloret, B.; Gaertner, S. L.ArticleOpen Access
2020Knowledge about sugar sources and sugar intake guidelines in portuguese consumersPrada, M.; Saraiva, M.; Garrido, M. V.; Rodrigues, D. L.; Lopes, D.ArticleOpen Access
1-Jan-2016What's in a face: Norms for static versus dynamic emotional expressionsGarrido, M. V.; Lopes, D.; Prada, M.; Rodrigues, D.; Jerónimo, R.Conference ObjectOpen Access
1-Jan-2017Consensual sexual nonmonogamy, extradyadic sex, and relationship satisfactionLopes, D.; Rodrigues, D.; Pereira, M.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2017Caught in a “bad romance”? Reconsidering the negative association between sociosexuality and relationship functioningRodrigues, D.; Lopes, D.; Smith, C. V.ArticleOpen Access
2017Imagens sociais de famílias com filhos em acolhimento e em contexto familiar: um estudo entre Brasil e PortugalZappe, J. G.; Patias, N. D.; Patrício, J. N.; Calheiros, M. M.; Garrido, M. V.; Lopes, D.; Dell'Aglio, D. D.ArticleOpen Access