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Results 1-10 of 86 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2014The EURAGE Group: examining ageing and ageism in context through the European Social SurveyVauclair, C.-M.; Lima, M. L.; Marques, S.ArticleOpen Access
2019Promoting urban regeneration and aging in place: APRAM – An interdisciplinary method to support decision-making in building renovationSerrano-Jiménez, A.; Lima, M. L.; Molina-Huelva, M.; Barrios-Padura, A.ArticleOpen Access
2014Revisiting the paradox of well-being: the importance of national contextSwift, H. J.; Vauclair, C.-M.; Abrams, D.; Bratt, C.; Marques, S.; Lima, M. L.ArticleOpen Access
2004OSCI: an organisational and safety climate inventorySilva, S. A.; Lima, M. L.; Baptista, C.ArticleOpen Access
1996Mapping European social psychology: co-word analysis of the communications at the 10th General Meeting of the EAESPVala, J.; Lima, M. L.; Caetano, A.ArticleOpen Access
2017Do the hospital rooms make a difference for patients’ stress? A multilevel analysis of the role of perceived control, positive distraction, and social supportAndrade, C. C.; Devlin, A. S.; Pereira, C. R.; Lima, M. L.ArticleOpen Access
2020“Save the climate! Stop the oil”: actual protest behavior and core framing tasks in the Portuguese climate movementFernandes-Jesus, M.; Lima, M. L.; Sabucedo, J. M.ArticleOpen Access
2019Exergames for motor rehabilitation in older adults: an umbrella reviewReis, E.; Postolache, G.; Teixeira, L.; Arriaga, P.; Lima, M. L.; Postolache, O.ArticleOpen Access
2007Estou mais seguro na minha cidade do que os outros: identidade com o lugar e optimismo comparativo na percepção de riscos urbanosLima, M. L.; Marques, S.; Batel, S.; Carvalho, S.; Haldon, J.; Pornin, S.ArticleOpen Access
2020A randomized trial of the close reading and creative writing program: an alternative educational method for adult group care intervention in type 2 diabetes managementDo Rosário, F. S.; Almeida, D. V.; Oliveira, J.; Lima, M. L.; Raposo, J. F.ArticleOpen Access