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Results 1-10 of 305 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2018Luís Possolo, el estudiante portugués en la edición inaugural del Curso en Arquitectura Tropical de la Architectural Assocationde Saldanha, J. L. P.ArticleOpen Access
2004The Madonna and the Cuckoo: an exploration in European symbolic conceptionsVaz da Silva, F.ArticleOpen Access
2018PP4 e a Vila Expo’98Pinto, P.ArticleOpen Access
2020As escolas de Alvalade: Do protagonismo nas células habitacionais à ancoragem da estrutura verde do bairro (1945-1960)Neves, J. da R.; Pinto, P. T.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2020Chelas Zone J revisited: Urban morphology and change in a recovering neighbourhoodBorges, J. C.; Marat-Mendes, T.; Lopes, S. S.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2020Designing for productive urban landscapes. Applying the CPUL concept in Lisbon Metropolitan AreaMarat-Mendes, T.; Lopes, S. S.; Borges, J. C.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2020Urban form and urban metabolism. Recent research and academic trends conducted at the Lisbon Metropolitan AreaMarat-Mendes, T.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2021Little “We’s”: how common identities improve behavior differently for ethnic majority and minority childrenGuerra, R.; Waldzus, S.; Lopes, D.; Popa-Roch, M.; Lloret, B.; Gaertner, S. L.ArticleOpen Access
2020Railway territories: A methodological approach to urban studiesIsidoro, I.; Marat-Mendes, T.; Tângari, V.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2023Implementations, interpretative malleability, value-ladenness and the moral significance of agent-based social simulationsDavid, N.ArticleOpen Access