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Results 1-10 of 788 (Search time: 0.015 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2015Stress reduction in the hospital room: applying Ulrich's theory of supportive designAndrade, C. C.; Devlin, A. S.ArticleOpen Access
2015Psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of place attachment scale for youth in residential careMagalhães, E.; Calheiros, M. M.ArticleOpen Access
2013The buffering-boosting hypothesis of the expression of general and personal belief in a just worldAlves, H.; Correia, I.ArticleOpen Access
2013Effects of home environment and center-based child care quality on children's language, communication, and literacy outcomesPinto, A. I.; Pessanha, M.; Aguiar, C.ArticleOpen Access
2013Práticas atuais e ideais em intervenção precoce no Alentejo: Perceções dos profissionaisAugusto, H.; Aguiar, C.; Carvalho, L.ArticleOpen Access
2015O conhecimento e acesso ao script de base segura e a percepção de suporte social em mães com crianças em idade pré-escolarBranco, I.; Monteiro, L.; Veríssimo, M.ArticleOpen Access
2019Promoting urban regeneration and aging in place: APRAM – An interdisciplinary method to support decision-making in building renovationSerrano-Jiménez, A.; Lima, M. L.; Molina-Huelva, M.; Barrios-Padura, A.ArticleOpen Access
2022A self-assessment tool for social responsibility in higher education. Reporting on a national policy development process in PortugalFonseca, S.; Fernandes, J. L.ArticleOpen Access
2014Revisiting the paradox of well-being: the importance of national contextSwift, H. J.; Vauclair, C.-M.; Abrams, D.; Bratt, C.; Marques, S.; Lima, M. L.ArticleOpen Access
2015A 'dry eye' for victims of violence: effects of playing a violent video game on pupillary dilation to victims and on aggressive behaviorArriaga, P.; Adrião, J. G.; Madeira. F.; Cavaleiro, I.; Silva, A. M.; Barahona, I.; Esteves, F.ArticleEmbargoed Access