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Results 1-10 of 232 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2022With or without Emoji? Perceptions about Emoji use in different brand-consumer communication contextsCavalheiro, B. P.; Prada, M.; Rodrigues, D. L.; Garrido, M. V.; Lopes, D.ArticleOpen Access
2022Lisbon's unsustainable tourism intensification: contributions from social representations to understanding a depoliticised press discourse and its consequencesBoager, E.; Castro, P.ArticleOpen Access
2020Chelas Zone J revisited: Urban morphology and change in a recovering neighbourhoodBorges, J. C.; Marat-Mendes, T.; Lopes, S. S.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2020Designing for productive urban landscapes. Applying the CPUL concept in Lisbon Metropolitan AreaMarat-Mendes, T.; Lopes, S. S.; Borges, J. C.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2021With or without you: associations between frequency of internet pornography use and sexual relationship outcomes for (non)consensual (non)monogamous individualsRodrigues, D. L.; Lopes, D.; Dawson, K.; Visser, R.; Štulhofer, A.ArticleOpen Access
2023Children’s participation in early childhood education: A theoretical overviewCorreia, N.; Aguiar, C.; Amaro, F.ArticleOpen Access
2017NEETs in a rural region of Southern Europe: perceived self-efficacy, perceived barriers, educational expectations, and vocational expectationsSimões, F.; Meneses, A.; Luís, R.; Drumonde, R.ArticleOpen Access
2019Participatory budgeting in the age of post-politics: examining the discourses of citizens and representatives of expert-political systems in three municipalities in PortugalSantos, M.; Batel, S.; Gonçalves, M. E.ArticleOpen Access
2020Sustainability of European agricultural holdingsDos-Santos, M. J. P. L.; Ahmad, N.ArticleOpen Access
2020Urban form and urban metabolism. Recent research and academic trends conducted at the Lisbon Metropolitan AreaMarat-Mendes, T.Conference ObjectOpen Access