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Results 1-10 of 213 (Search time: 0.02 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2015Stress reduction in the hospital room: applying Ulrich's theory of supportive designAndrade, C. C.; Devlin, A. S.ArticleOpen Access
2015A critical and empirical analysis of the national-local ‘gap’ in public responses to large-scale energy infrastructuresBatel, S.; Devine-Wright, P.ArticleOpen Access
2015Cooperation and the emergence of maritime clusters in the Atlantic: analysis and implications of innovation and human capital for blue growthPinto, H.; Cruz, A. R.; Combe, C.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2018Luís Possolo, el estudiante portugués en la edición inaugural del Curso en Arquitectura Tropical de la Architectural Assocationde Saldanha, J. L. P.ArticleOpen Access
2020How to increase rural NEETs professional involvement in agriculture? The roles of youth representations and vocational training packages improvementSimões, F.; Rio, N. B.ArticleOpen Access
2020Grassroots ecologies of value: environmental conflict and social reproduction in southern ItalyPusceddu, A. M.ArticleOpen Access
2021A paradigm shift in risk management in public–private partnership arrangementsLima, S.; Brochado, A.; Marques, R. C.ArticleOpen Access
2020Transferência de conhecimento nas actividades culturais e criativas: notas comparativas das regiões do espaço AtlânticoAlmeida, R. N.; Cruz, A. R.; Costa, P.; Gato, M. A.; Perestrelo, M.ArticleOpen Access
2017Do the hospital rooms make a difference for patients’ stress? A multilevel analysis of the role of perceived control, positive distraction, and social supportAndrade, C. C.; Devlin, A. S.; Pereira, C. R.; Lima, M. L.ArticleOpen Access
2020Exploratory data analysis and data envelopment analysis of construction and demolition waste management in the European Economic AreaToboada, G. L.; Seruca, I.; Sousa, C.; Pereira, A.ArticleOpen Access