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Results 1-10 of 219 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2015A 'dry eye' for victims of violence: effects of playing a violent video game on pupillary dilation to victims and on aggressive behaviorArriaga, P.; Adrião, J. G.; Madeira. F.; Cavaleiro, I.; Silva, A. M.; Barahona, I.; Esteves, F.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2020Chelas Zone J revisited: Urban morphology and change in a recovering neighbourhoodBorges, J. C.; Marat-Mendes, T.; Lopes, S. S.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2020Designing for productive urban landscapes. Applying the CPUL concept in Lisbon Metropolitan AreaMarat-Mendes, T.; Lopes, S. S.; Borges, J. C.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2021The neural basis of authenticity recognition in laughter and cryingKosilo, M.; Costa, M.; Nuttall, H. E.; Ferreira, H. A.; Scott, S. K.; Menéres, S.; Pestana, J.; Jerónimo, R.; Prata, D.ArticleOpen Access
2021A paradigm shift in risk management in public–private partnership arrangementsLima, S.; Brochado, A.; Marques, R. C.ArticleOpen Access
2020Transferência de conhecimento nas actividades culturais e criativas: notas comparativas das regiões do espaço AtlânticoAlmeida, R. N.; Cruz, A. R.; Costa, P.; Gato, M. A.; Perestrelo, M.ArticleOpen Access
2020Urban form and urban metabolism. Recent research and academic trends conducted at the Lisbon Metropolitan AreaMarat-Mendes, T.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2020Exploratory data analysis and data envelopment analysis of construction and demolition waste management in the European Economic AreaToboada, G. L.; Seruca, I.; Sousa, C.; Pereira, A.ArticleOpen Access
2020Research on the social acceptance of renewable energy technologies: past, present and futureBatel, S.ArticleOpen Access
2020Digital transformation and knowledge management in the public sectorAlvarenga, A.; Matos, F.; Godina, R.; Matias, J.ArticleOpen Access