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Showing results 31768 to 31787 of 31843 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
5-Dec-2019Xers vs. Millennials: Um olhar geracional sobre responsabilidade social das organizações, atratividade organizacional e intenção de candidatura a uma oferta de empregoSantos, António Luís CâmaraMaster ThesisOpen Access
May-1987XI Congresso Mundial de Sociologia, Nova Deli (Índia), Agosto, 1986Ferreira, Vítor MatiasArticleOpen Access
12-Jan-2020Xi Jinping: the values and beliefs of a political leaderGonçalves, Linda Inês RodriguesMaster ThesisOpen Access
2015Xprolog: desenvolvimento de uma folha de cálculo dedutivaAlmeida, Carlos Diogo deMaster ThesisOpen Access
24-Sep-2021O XUM and the power of the community: crowdfunding as a marketing tool in e-businessPoser, ElsieMaster ThesisOpen Access
28-Nov-2022A XVII Exposição Europeia de Arte, Ciência e Cultura, Lisboa, 1983: “Reapreciar Descobrimentos com olhos postos no futuro”Rocha, Rafaela Santa Marta daMaster ThesisOpen Access
16-Feb-2011Yam as a narrative element in Achebe’s rural novelsGarcía, PaulaConference ObjectOpen Access
22-Dec-2022"Yes, I forgive you, but…": Exploring the individual’s willingness to forgive a human brand when a transgression occursJosé, Bárbara Sofia LucasMaster ThesisOpen Access
10-Jan-2018Yes, ICANN!: o ecossistema da internet entidades, atores e processo multistakeholder de governação: perceções e envolvimento da sociedade civilPereira, Manuel Paulo Athias da SilvaDoctoral ThesisOpen Access
1992Yield risk in wheat production: A policy study for the Alentejo of PortugalTrindade, G. M. S.; Dahlgran, R. A.; Monke, E.; Fox, R.ArticleOpen Access
12-Dec-2019O yoga em Portugal: Do surgimento à atualidadeSilva, Hugo Filipe Pereira Rosa daMaster ThesisOpen Access
2017Yoga poses increase subjective energy and state self-esteem in comparison to 'power poses'de Zavala, A. G.; Lantos, D.; Bowden, D.ArticleOpen Access
2020YOLO — Your own living objectAlves-Oliveira, P.; Arriaga, P.; Paiva, A.; Hoffman,G.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2023YOLOX-Ray: An efficient attention-based single-staged object detector tailored for industrial inspectionsRaimundo, A.; Pavia, J. P.; Sebastião, P.; Postolache, O.ArticleOpen Access
2023You are doing it wrong: On vulnerabilities in low code development platformsLourenço, M.; Gasiba, T. E.; Pinto-Albuquerque, M.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2021“You Cannot Get into My Taxi!” Perceptions of a COVID-19-based rejection episode reported in the newspapersVacchini, S.; Fasoli, F.; Volpato, C.ArticleOpen Access
Dec-2002«You Europeans, you are just like Fish!». Some sceptical reflections on Modernity and Democratisation in AfricaYoung, TomArticleOpen Access
2024“You get out of the house, you talk to each other, you laugh…And that’s fantastic”: A qualitative study about older people’s perceptions of social prescribing in mainland PortugalCosta, A.; Henriques, J.; Alarcão, V.; Madeira, T.; Virgolino, A.; Polley, M. J.; Henriques, A.; Feteira-Santos, R.; Arriaga. M.; Nogueira, P.ArticleOpen Access
2015“You have to talk to those who were there (Utøya)…”: promoting children’s participation: a case of expert meetings and groups within the ombudsman in NorwayMusinguzi, PolycarpMaster ThesisOpen Access
6-Dec-2022"You shouldn't wish to be a courier:" Experiences of workers in the platformised goods distribution activity in PortugalAmorim, Joana Iglésias Calado CarvalhalMaster ThesisOpen Access