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Showing results 31316 to 31335 of 31843 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2010W-learning: Um modelo de e-learning para o sector de águas e resíduosAlves, David Manuel VazMaster ThesisOpen Access
16-Nov-2015Wage differentials in domestic work: The impact of contractual arrangementsSuleman, F.; Figueiredo, C.Working PaperOpen Access
2018Wage differentials within a female dominated occupation: domestic workers in informal and flexible jobs in PortugalSuleman, F.; Figueiredo, M. C.ArticleOpen Access
2013Wage policy of medium and large Portuguese firmsSuleman, F.; Lagoa, S.; Suleman, A.; Pereira, M. L.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2013Wage policy patterns at the firm level: an analysis on Italian medium and large firmsSgobbi, F.Working PaperOpen Access
2022Wages, income and living standards in Western India, 1510-1570Matos, P. T. de; Lucassen, J.; Carvalhal, H.Book ChapterOpen Access
2014Waiting for the energy crisis: Europe and the United States on the eve of the first oil shockMadureira, N. L.ArticleOpen Access
2019Wakefields in a cluster plasmaMayr, M. W.; Ceurvorst, L.; Kasim, M. F.; Sadler, J. D.; Spiers, B.; Glize, K.; Savin, A. F.; Bourgeois, N.; Keeble, F.; Ross, A. J.; Symes, D. R.; Aboushelbaya, R.; Fonseca, R. A.; Holloway, J.; Ratan, N.; Trines, R.  M.  G.  M.; Wang, R.  H.  W.; Bingham, R.; Silva, L. O.; Burrows, P.  N.; Wing, M.; Rajeev, P.  P.; Norreys, P.  A.ArticleOpen Access
2023The walkability of Alvalade neighbourhood for young people: An agent-based model of daily commutes to schoolSampayo, M. T. de.; Sousa-Rodrigues, D.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2023Walking in European cities: A gender perception perspectivePirra, M.; Kalakou, S.; Lynce, A. R.; Carboni, A.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2021Walking in-between: Urban interstices on the Lisbon hillsideIannizzotto, L. S.; Santos, R. S.; Trindade, J. V.; Lucchesi, F.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2019Walking on streets-in-the-sky: structures for democratic citiesBorges, J. C.; Marat-Mendes, T.ArticleOpen Access
2011Wall covering in Brazil: A marketing strategy plan for Vescom with a focus on the hospitality sector in Rio de JaneiroSchöttelndreier, Jurre EdgerMaster ThesisRestricted Access
2000Wall, K., Famílias no Campo. Passado e Presente em Duas Freguesias do Baixo MinhoLeandro, Maria EngráciaOtherOpen Access
2024The Walsh Family Resilience Questionnaire: Validity evidence from PortugalMorais, I.; Carneiro, F. A.; Sinval, J.; Costa, P. A.; Leal, I.ArticleEmbargoed Access
19-Dec-2017"Want to be a leader": "- sorry, too soon": o efeito mediador da sabedoria na relação da idade com a liderança transformacionalMascarenhas, Eduardo Miguel AlcobiaMaster ThesisOpen Access
2019The war on cyberterrorismMarsili, M.ArticleOpen Access
20-Dec-2022Warehouse logistics optimization at kenckoCosta, Miguel Guilherme Venâncio de Castro Lapa eMaster ThesisRestricted Access
28-Nov-2018Warehousing and inventory management activities at MusaSantos, Catarina Luís da SilvaMaster ThesisOpen Access
30-Oct-2020Warehousing process improvement: The case of an airline companySousa, Francisca Fortunato deMaster ThesisOpen Access