Showing results 28000 to 28019 of 31843
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
Dec-2013 | T-Share: transcultural skills for health and care | Pussetti, Chiara; Moleiro, Carla; Olivença, Sílvia; Santinho, Cristina; Santos, Joana; Vacchiano, Francesco | Other | Open Access |
2017 | T2* - personalized trip planner | Ferreira, J. C; Martins, A. L.; Da Silva, J. V.; Almeida, J. | Conference Object | Open Access |
2013 | Os tablets e smartphones como média emergentes: um futuro já demasiado presente? | Crespo, M. | Book Chapter | Open Access |
2024 | Taboo language across the globe: A multi-lab study | Sulpizio, S.; Günther, F.; Badan, L.; Basclain, B.; Brysbaert, M.; Chan, Y. L.; Ciaccio, L. A.; Dudschig, C.; Duñabeitia, J. A.; Fasoli, F.; Ferrand, L.; Đurđević, D. F.; Guerra, E.; Hollis, G.; Job, R.; Jornkokgoud, K.; Kahraman, H.; Kgolo-Lotshwao, N.; Kinoshita, S.; Kos, J.; Lee, L.; Lee, N. H.; Mackenzie, I. G.; Manojlović, M.; Christina Manouilidou; Martinic, M.; Méndez, M. C.; Mišić, K.; Chiangmai, N. N.; Nikolaev, A.; Oganyan, M.; Rusconi, P.; Samo, G.; Tse, C.; Westbury, C.; Wongupparaj, P.; Yap, M. J.; Marelli, M. | Article | Open Access |
2012 | Tackling cyberbullying: review of empirical evidence regarding successful strategies | Perren, S.; Corcoran, L.; Cowie, H.; Dehue, F.; Garcia, D.; Mc Guckin, C.; Sevcikova, A.; Tsatsou, P.; Völlink, T. | Article | Open Access |
7-Sep-2021 | Tackling gendered aspects of acculturation through Turkish migrant women's experiences in Europe | Erdogmus, Nazli Yagmur | Master Thesis | Open Access |
2023 | Tackling gendered aspects of acculturation through Turkish migrant women’s experiences in Europe | Erdogmus, N. Y.; Moleiro, C.; Grzymała-Moszczyńska, H. | Article | Open Access |
2023 | Tackling regional skill shortages: From single employer strategies to local partnerships | Suleman, F.; Videira, P.; Araújo, E. R. | Article | Open Access |
2024 | Tackling sustainable development goals through new space | Clegg, S.; Cunha, M. P.; López, A.; Sirage, E.; Rego, J. | Article | Open Access |
22-Feb-2019 | Tacteando o indizível | Noronha, Isabel Helena Vieira Cordato de | Doctoral Thesis | Open Access |
Apr-2013 | Tactile sensors for robotic applications | Girão, P. S.; Ramos, P. M. P.; Postolache, O. A.; Pereira, J. M. D. | Article | Embargoed Access |
2018 | Tailored virtual reality and mobile application for motor rehabilitation | Lourenço F.; Postolache, O.; Postolache, G. | Conference Object | Open Access |
2019 | Tailored virtual reality for smart physiotherapy | Postolache, O.; Teixeira, L.; Cordeiro, J.; Lima, L.; Arriaga, P.; Rodrigues, M.; Girão, P. | Conference Object | Open Access |
2020 | Tailoring virtual environments of an exergame for physiotherapy: the role of positive distractions and sensation-seeking | Reis, E.; Arriaga, P.; Lima, M. L.; Teixeira, L.; Postolache, O.; Postolache, G. | Article | Open Access |
2023 | Tailoring: A case study on the application of the seventh principle of PMBOK 7 in a public institution | Rodrigues, M. C.; Domingues, L.; Oliveira, J. P. | Conference Object | Open Access |
18-Apr-2024 | Take GD trust as an example: Marketing strategy research | Rui Yuan | Master Thesis | Restricted Access |
2015 | Takeaway de refeições portuguesas por drive thru | Martins, Inês Filipa Figueiredo | Master Thesis | Restricted Access |
19-Oct-2023 | Taking advantage of advergames' features for advertising effectiveness: Focus on consumer engagement in mobile era | Zhang Xiucai | Doctoral Thesis | Restricted Access |
2024 | Taking Europe home: How political agents stand out in their approach to Europe on social media | Moreno, J.; Ferro-Santos, S.; Sepúlveda, R. | Article | Open Access |
2019 | Taking modern legislation seriously: Agency rights as a special challenge | Guibentif, P. | Book Chapter | Open Access |