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Showing results 17717 to 17736 of 31843 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2016M&A in the chinese pharmaceutical industry: Shanghai Pharma and SIPI/SZXP case studyWang, JieMaster ThesisOpen Access
2012M&A in the commodity sector: an evaluation of the possible merger between Xstrata plc and Glencore International plcSopivnik, MichaelMaster ThesisRestricted Access
14-Dec-2016M&A in the confectionary industry: the evaluation of a proposed combination between Hershey's & FerreroSantos, Liliana Fiúza dosMaster ThesisOpen Access
2013M&A: The case of Optimus and ZonAlmeida, Margarida de Lagos Vian Correia deMaster ThesisRestricted Access
24-Nov-2021M-commerce: motivations and dynamics from Generation Z e-buyersRufino, Joana Duarte AntunesMaster ThesisOpen Access
29-Nov-2022M-R-I-o-T: MR e IoT para reabilitação físicaNeves, João Pedro da SilvaMaster ThesisOpen Access
Feb-2013A M/G/inf queue busy period distribution characterizing parameterFerreira, Manuel Alberto M.ArticleOpen Access
2015The M/G/oo queue busy period length exponential behavior for particular service times distributions collectionFerreira, M. A. M.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2014M/G/oo queue systems in the pandemic period studyFerreira, M. A. M.ArticleOpen Access
2013M/M/∞ busy period and busy cycle distribution function boundsFerreira, Manuel Alberto M.; Andrade, M.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2018M2* - mobility to anywhere, an IoT aggregation service platformFerreira, J. C.; Rato, V.Conference ObjectOpen Access
18-Jun-2024MAC's cosmetics marketing strategy to enter the children's makeup marketLinyun HouMaster ThesisRestricted Access
2010MAC, a system for automatically IPR identification, collection and distributionSerrão, C.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2014Macao as a brand: Can city branding change Macao’s image perceptions?Carvalho, Marta FevereiroMaster ThesisOpen Access
2021Macau como actor desportivo do ‘mundo lusófono’. “quatro continentes, um idioma, unidos pelo desporto”Gouveia, C.ArticleOpen Access
1996Macau e o Triplo-TTrigo, VirgíniaArticleOpen Access
Dec-2001Macau e os triângulos de crescimentoAntónio, Nelson; Trigo, VirgíniaArticleOpen Access
1994Macau no Contexto da Estratégia de Integração da República Popular da China no Mercado MundialMurteira, MárioArticleOpen Access
2013Macau Sá Filo: memória, identidade e ambivalência na comunidade euroasiática macaenseGaspar, Marisa Cristina dos SantosDoctoral ThesisOpen Access
2008Macau. A administração do território e as dinâmicas de desenvolvimento comunitárioMateus, Susana dos Santos CabritaMaster ThesisOpen Access