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Showing results 2781 to 2800 of 31843 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2018B-boys (Rio de Janeiro) and rappers (Lisbon) in search of recognition: a brief comparisonRaposo, O.Book ChapterOpen Access
2015B-Start: Ferramenta de apoio à geração e criação colaborativa de novas ideias e negóciosCarvalho, Marco André HenriquesMaster ThesisRestricted Access
2016B2B: a paradigm shift from economic exchange to behavioral theory: a quest for better explanations and predictionsLaPlaca, P.; Vinhas da Silva, R.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2017Ba: um fator determinante no uso de sistemas de gestão do conhecimentoSousa, N. M.; Costa, C. J.; Aparicio, M.ArticleOpen Access
2018Babies born better: o uso do software MaxQDA na análise preliminar das respostas portuguesas à secção qualitativa do inquéritoNeves, D. M.; Santos, M. J. D. S.ArticleOpen Access
2012Babus, lokkhis e os outros: representações do corpo na imprensa diária da Índia bengaliMarques, S. C. S.ArticleOpen Access
2014Back and forth between social and technical: A collective experience in the transdisciplinary making of sustainable artifactsNascimento, S.; Pólvora, A.; Oliveira, S.; Paio, A.; Rato, V.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2023Back to basics? Portraits of the first Covid-19 lockdown in PortugalCaetano, A.; Goodwin, J.; Nico, M.; Pereira, A. C.ArticleOpen Access
2019Back to replacement migration: a new European perspective applying the prospective-age conceptCraveiro, D.; Oliveira, I.; Gomes, C.; Malheiros, J. M.; Moreira, M. J.; Peixoto, J.ArticleOpen Access
2017Back to solidarity-based living? The economic crisis and the development of alternative projects in PortugalBaumgarten, B.ArticleOpen Access
28-Nov-2019Back to the past to charter the vinyl electronic marketLousão, Sara Carolina AugustoMaster ThesisOpen Access
2020Back to the past to charter the vinyl electronic market: A data mining approachLousão, S.; Ramos, P.; Moro, S.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2015Back to the revolution: the 1974 Portuguese spring and its 'austere anniversary'Accornero, G.ArticleOpen Access
24-Nov-2023Backtesting expected shortfall: Comparative study and impact analysis on capital requirementsCatarino, João Miguel GarciasMaster ThesisOpen Access
2012Backtesting var models: an application to Caixa Geral de DepóstitosRuivo, Raquel Costa CarvalhoMaster ThesisRestricted Access
13-Apr-2009Badajoz a BarrancosRobalo, CarlosOtherOpen Access
16-Jun-2023“O Baeta”: A new customer experience regarding edible magicCosta, Joana IsabelMaster ThesisOpen Access
2013Bairrista e multicultural: imagens da Mouraria em LisboaCarvalho, Maria Helena CalçarãoMaster ThesisOpen Access
17-Mar-2014Bairro Alto revisited: reputation and symbolic assets as drivers for sustainable innovation in the cityCosta, P.Working PaperOpen Access
25-Aug-2010Bairro da Liberdade: Uma abordagem sobre habitação degradada e realojamentoMartins, JoãoMaster ThesisOpen Access