Browsing by Author Tomaz, E.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2023The 15-minute city concept and new working spaces: A planning perspective from Oslo and LisbonDi Marino, M.; Tomaz, E.; Henriques, C.; Chavoshi, S. H.ArticleOpen Access
2022Acknowledging the multidimensionality of value creation in cultural activities: an impact self assessment toolkitCosta, P.; Tomaz, E.; Perestrelo, M.; Lopes, R., V.Book ChapterOpen Access
2020Contrariando as massas e contornando as cidades: turismo criativo como alternativa em territórios de baixa densidadeGato, M. A.; Costa, P.; Cruz, A. R.; Perestrelo, M.; Tomaz, E.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2020Coworking in Lisbon: Experiences of collaboration and sharing on changing urban contextsMorgado, S.; Tomaz, E.; Henriques, C.; Melo, P. C.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2012Creative-based strategies in small and medium-sized cities: key dimensions of analysisSelada, C.; Cunha, I. V.; Tomaz, E.ArticleOpen Access
2011Creative-based strategies in small cities: a case-study approachSelada, C.; Cunha, I. V.; Tomaz, E.ArticleOpen Access
2022The CREATOUR® project as a learning laboratory: Reflections of a research teamGato, M. A.; Tomaz, E.; Cruz, A. R.; Perestrelo, M.; Costa, P.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2019Cultural and creative collaborative spaces in the revitalization of urban neighborhoodsTomaz, E.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2015Culture in development strategies of small and medium-sized European cities: A comparative analysisTomaz, E.Book ChapterOpen Access
2022CULTURE.IMPACTS.DIY: A self-assessment toolkit unveiling the multidimensionality of value creation in cultural activitiesCosta, P.; Tomaz, E.; Perestrelo, M.; Lopes, R. V.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2019Developing an impact assessment toolkit for creative sustainable tourism initiativesCosta, P.; Tomaz, E.; Gato, M. A.; Perestrelo, M.; Cruz, A. R.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2022A distribuição e exibição de cinema e audiovisual em Portugal: Pontos críticos, desafios e áreas-chave de regulaçãoCosta, P.; Lopes, R. V.; Tomaz, E.; Almeida, R.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2023Dynamics of change at work and reactions of coworking spaces in the aftermath of the pandemic: Notes on PortugalTomaz, E.; Gato, M. A.; Haubrich, G.Book ChapterOpen Access
2014Estratégias urbanas em tempos de mudança: o papel da economia criativa no contexto luso-brasileiroSelada,C.; Machado, L.; Tomaz, E.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2019Going against mass tourism: Creative tourism as an alternative, creatour as an exampleGato, M. A.; Costa, P.; Cruz, A. R.; Perestrelo, M.; Tomaz, E.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2019Going against mass tourism: Creative tourism as an alternative, CREATOUR as an exampleGato, M. A.; Costa, P.; Cruz, A. R.; Perestrelo, M.; Tomaz, E.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2021An impact self-assessment tool for creative tourism with insights from its application to the CREATOUR ® projectGato, M. A.; Tomaz, E.; Costa, P.; Cruz, A. R.; Perestrelo, M.Book ChapterOpen Access
2021The interplay between culture, creativity, and tourism in the sustainable development of smaller urban centresTomaz, E.Book ChapterOpen Access
2024Introduction to the evolution of new working spacesMariotti, I.; Tomaz, E.; Micek, G.; Méndez-Ortega, CBook ChapterOpen Access
2023New working spaces in Lisbon from a chrono-urbanism planning perspectiveTomaz, E.; Henriques, C.Conference ObjectOpen Access