Browsing by Author Seibert, Gerhard

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
Aug-201020 years on São Tomé and Príncipe has voted again for “change”Seibert, GerhardOtherOpen Access
Nov-2012Actas do Colóquio Internacional São Tomé e Príncipe numa perspectiva interdisciplinar, diacrónica e sincrónicaRoque, Ana Cristina; Seibert, Gerhard; Marques, Vítor RosadoConference ObjectOpen Access
2009Brasilien in Afrika: Globaler Geltungsanspruch und RohstoffeSeibert, GerhardWorking PaperOpen Access
2011Brazil in Africa: Ambitions and Achievements of an Emerging Regional Power in the Political and Economic SectorSeibert, GerhardConference ObjectOpen Access
Sep-2013Cabo Verde e São Tomé e Príncipe: Ensino Superior e Trajetórias em PortugalSeibert, GerhardBook ChapterOpen Access
2014Crioulização em Cabo Verde e São Tomé e Príncipe: divergências históricas e identitáriasSeibert, GerhardArticleOpen Access
Jan-2011IntroduçãoSeibert, GerhardArticleOpen Access
Feb-2010Lusophone countries ready to accept Obiang dictatorshipSeibert, GerhardOtherOpen Access
2009Santo Tomé y Príncipe: transformaciones políticas y socioeconómicas del periodo poscolonialSeibert, GerhardArticleOpen Access
2010São Tomé and Príncipe in 2010: promises and disappointmentsSeibert, GerhardOtherOpen Access
2011São Tomé and Príncipe in 2011: Again Waiting for Better Times, With a New Old PresidentSeibert, GerhardOtherOpen Access
Mar-2010São Tomé and Príncipe: 12 oil ministers since 1999, but not a single drop of oil yetSeibert, GerhardOtherOpen Access
Aug-2011São Tomé and Príncipe: in the third attempt and after twenty years, a former autocrat returns to the presidencySeibert, GerhardOtherOpen Access
Jan-2010São Tomé and Príncipe: Particularities of the presidential partySeibert, GerhardOtherOpen Access
Jan-2013São Tomé and Príncipe: Political Instability ContinuesSeibert, GerhardOtherOpen Access
8-Mar-2013Surging São Tomé: Waiting for Oil in the Gulf of GuineaSeibert, GerhardOtherOpen Access
2009The botany of the Cunene-Zambezi expedition with notes on Hugo Baum (1867-1950)Figueiredo, E.; Soares, M.; Seibert, Gerhard; Smith, Gideon Francois; Faden, R.B.ArticleOpen Access