Browsing by Author Leão, E. R.
Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
2017 | The 2007-2009 subprime crisis and the global public policy response | Leão, P. R.; Leão, E. R.; Bhimjee, D. C. P. | Article | Open Access |
Sep-2008 | Consumer durables and the business cycle | Leão, E. R.; Leão, P. R. | Working Paper | Open Access |
2015 | A contribution to the study of the German treasury bills market | Leão, E. R.; Lagoa, S. C. | Article | Open Access |
Jul-2008 | A decentralized approach to general equilibrium analysis | Leão, E. R. | Working Paper | Open Access |
3-Feb-2015 | Determinant factors of bank customers' demand for liquidity | Bernardo, C. D.; Lagoa, S. C.; Leão, E. R. | Working Paper | Open Access |
2015 | Determinants of bank customers' demand for liquidity: the effect of bank capital and customers' characteristics | Bernardo, C. D.; Lagoa, S. C.; Leão, E. R. | Article | Embargoed Access |
2003 | A dynamic general equilibrium model with technological innovations in the banking sector | Leão, E. R. | Article | Open Access |
2005 | Modelling the central bank repo rate in a dynamic general equilibrium framework | Leão, E. R. | Working Paper | Open Access |
2007 | Modelling the central bank repo rate in a dynamic general equilibrium framework | Leão, E. R.; Leão, P. R. | Article | Open Access |
2001 | Monetary policy in a credit-in-advance economy | Leão, E. R. | Working Paper | Open Access |
2024 | The paradox of investment: A contribution to the theory of demand-led economic growth | Leão, E. R.; Leão, P. R. | Article | Open Access |
2002 | Technological innovations and the interest rate | Leão, E. R. | Working Paper | Open Access |
2006 | Technological innovations and the interest rate | Leão, E. R.; Leão, P. R. | Article | Open Access |
12-Jul-2013 | The Subprime Crisis and the Global Public Policy Response | Leão, E. R.; Leão, P.R. | Working Paper | Open Access |