Browsing by Author Henriques, C.

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2023The 15-minute city concept and new working spaces: A planning perspective from Oslo and LisbonDi Marino, M.; Tomaz, E.; Henriques, C.; Chavoshi, S. H.ArticleOpen Access
2018Book of abstracts of the Third International Conference of Young Urban ResearchersGarcia-Ruiz, M.; Henriques, C.; Chaves, H.; Oliveira, A.; Ferreira, A.; Colombo, A.; Santos, S.; Santos, R.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2018CollectiveCity: the right to the city: 50 years laterGarcia Ruiz, M.; Henriques, C.; Chaves, H.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2020Coworking in Lisbon: Experiences of collaboration and sharing on changing urban contextsMorgado, S.; Tomaz, E.; Henriques, C.; Melo, P. C.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2021Drivers of change: how the food system of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area is being shaped by activities, initiatives and citizens needs towards a sustainable transitionMarat-Mendes, T.; Isidoro, I.; Catela, J.; Pereira, M.; Borges, J. C.; Lopes, S. S.; Henriques, C.ArticleOpen Access
2023New working spaces in Lisbon from a chrono-urbanism planning perspectiveTomaz, E.; Henriques, C.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2021The Territorial Agenda 2030: Towards a common language? A review of a conceptual frameworkHenriques, C.; Dragović, S.; Auer, C.; Gomes, I.ArticleOpen Access
2021Tracing Lisbon Metropolitan Area’s Foodscape: Insights from local initiatives and possibilities for future planning policiesHenriques, C.; Pinto, T. C.; Costa, P.; Marat-Mendes, T.ArticleOpen Access
2018UCity: utopias and dystopiasHenriques, C.Conference ObjectOpen Access