Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10071/9365
Autoria: Mohsin, A.
Lengler, J.
Aguzzoli, R.
Data: 2015
Título próprio: Staff turnover in hotels: exploring the quadratic and linear relationships
Volume: 51
Paginação: 35 - 48
ISSN: 0261-5177
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.1016/j.tourman.2015.04.005
Palavras-chave: Hotels
Quadratic analysis
Staff turnover
Resumo: The aim of this study is to assess whether the relationship between intention to leave the job and its antecedents is quadratic or linear. To explore those relationships a theoretical model (see Fig. 1) and eight hypotheses are proposed. Each linear hypothesis is followed by an alternative quadratic hypothesis. The alternative hypotheses propose that the relationship between the four antecedent constructs and intention to leave the job might not be linear, as the existing literature suggests. Findings from the analyses of 884 responses representing the staff of luxury hotels in India, suggest that the effect of two antecedents i.e. job security, earnings and organisational loyalty, were found to be linear. The two other antecedents i.e. organisational enthusiasm and stimulating job, confirmed a quadratic relationship with intention to leave the job, although one result suggesting that neither high salary nor job security are guarantees of improvements in staff turnover has been somewhat surprising. These results are unique within the context of human resource practices in luxury hotels. The study is distinctive with its findings based on quadratic analysis. It has implications for managers of luxury hotels to the effect that too much of a good thing may not ensure that employees will remain in the job. Secondly, there is little evidence in the literature of similar analytical approaches within the context of luxury hotels in India or elsewhere being undertaken to assess staff turnover. In this way, the outcomes have implications for both practice and theory.
Arbitragem científica: yes
Acesso: Acesso Aberto
Aparece nas coleções:BRU-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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