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dc.contributor.authorFerreira, Manuel Alberto M.-
dc.contributor.authorAndrade, Marina-
dc.identifier.citationFerreıra, M.A.M. , & Andrade, M. (2012). . Numerical methods to compute sojourn times in Jackson networks distribution functions and moments. Emerging issues in the natural and applied sciences (pp. 5-27). Progress IPS LLC. http://10.7813/einas.2012/2-1/1-
dc.description.abstractJackson queuing networks have a lot of practical applications, mainly in human and technologic devices. For the first case, an example are the healthcare networks and, for the second, the computation and telecommunications networks. Evidently the time that one customer - a person, a job, a message … – spends in this kind of systems, its sojourn time, is an important measure of its performance, among others. In this work the practical known results about the sojourn time distribution are collected and presented. And an emphasis is put on the numerical methods applicable to compute the distribution function and the moments.por
dc.publisherProgress IPS LLCpor
dc.subjectJackson networkspor
dc.subjectSojourn timepor
dc.subjectNetwork flow equationspor
dc.subjectRandomisation procedurepor
dc.titleNumerical methods to compute sojourn times in Jackson networks distribution functions and momentspor
dc.subject.fosDomínio/Área Científica::Ciências Naturais::Matemáticas-
Aparece nas coleções:DM-CLI - Capítulos livros internacionais

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