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dc.contributor.authorRibeiro, E.-
dc.contributor.authorRibeiro, R.-
dc.contributor.authorMatos, D. M. de.-
dc.contributor.editorElkind, E.-
dc.description.abstractFrom the perspective of a dialog system, the identification of the intention behind the segments in a dialog is important, as it provides cues regarding the information present in the segments and how they should be interpreted. The ISO 24617-2 standard for dialog act annotation defines a hierarchically organized set of general-purpose communicative functions that correspond to different intentions that are relevant in the context of a dialog. In this paper, we explore the automatic recognition of these functions. To do so, we propose to adapt existing approaches to dialog act recognition, so that they can deal with the hierarchical classification problem. More specifically, we propose the use of an end-to-end hierarchical network with cascading outputs and maximum a posteriori path estimation to predict the communicative function at each level of the hierarchy, preserve the dependencies between the functions in the path, and decide at which level to stop. Additionally, we rely on transfer learning processes to address the data scarcity problem. Our experiments on the DialogBank show that this approach outperforms both flat and hierarchical approaches based on multiple classifiers and that each of its components plays an important role in the recognition of general-purpose communicative functionseng
dc.publisherInternational Joint Conferences on Artifical Intelligence (IJCAI)-
dc.relationC644865762-00000008 Accelerat.AI-
dc.relation.ispartofProceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence-
dc.subjectNatural language processingeng
dc.subjectText classificationeng
dc.subjectDialogue and interactive systemseng
dc.titleAutomatic recognition of the general-purpose communicative functions defined by the ISO 24617-2 standard for dialog act annotation (Extended abstract)eng
dc.event.titleThirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23)-
dc.event.locationMacao, SAReng
dc.pagination6948 - 6953-
Aparece nas coleções:IT-CRI - Comunicações a conferências internacionais

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