Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10071/29462
Autoria: Carvalho, X. V. de.
Data: 2023
Título próprio: Memories of (un)Freire literacy policies in Southern Africa from the 1970s on: Telling the (hi)story through life histories and photography of (dis)empowerment in Mozambique
Título da revista: Lusotopie
Volume: 22
Número: 1
Referência bibliográfica: Carvalho, X. V. de. (2023). Memories of (un)Freire literacy policies in Southern Africa from the 1970s on: Telling the (hi)story through life histories and photography of (dis)empowerment in Mozambique. Lusotopie, 22(1). https://journals.openedition.org/lusotopie/6818
ISSN: 1257-0273
Palavras-chave: Ethnography
Oral history
Critical pedagogy
Paulo Freire
Resumo: This article draws on the intersection of oral history and photography to elaborate on the memories of the nation construction process in Mozambique through the (hi)story of the Frelimo School of Bagamoyo, in Tanzania (1970-1975). Bagamoyo is both a place of memory and presence in the national and regional (hi)stories. The article is underpinned by the notion of (dis)empowerment related with (Un)Freire’s critical pedagogy used in and out of Bagamoyo, looking at (i) teachers’ memories located within their photographs of Bagamoyo and documents of the Mozambican literacy policies, (ii) the anthropologist interpretation of the (hi)stories shared from teachers’ multi-situated locations.
Arbitragem científica: yes
Acesso: Acesso Aberto
Aparece nas coleções:CRIA-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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