Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10071/25378
Autoria: Martins, R. do V.
Alturas, B.
Alexandre, I.
Editor: Rocha, A., Gonçalves, R., Penalvo, F. G., & Martins, J.
Data: 2021
Título próprio: Perspective for the use of adoption theories in artificial intelligence
Título do evento: 16th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2021
ISSN: 2166-0727
ISBN: 978-989-54659-1-0
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.23919/CISTI52073.2021.9476340
Palavras-chave: Explainable artificial intelligence
Human-computer interaction
Adoption theories
Acceptance frameworks
Resumo: The evolution of diffusion and adoption theories models took place during the last half of 20th century. Despite the longevity they are still used today, and the use was increasing in the last years, reflecting its importance as valid tools to understand the complexity of technology adoption phenomenon. During the last twenty years, one of the areas in the field of information technologies that re-emerged with a most advanced development, was artificial intelligence. This study aims to identify what is the state-of-the-art on adoption theories of information technologies at individual level, and what challenges comes from artificial intelligence that could stress the conventional adoption theories. Finally, a new work is described as a proposal to overcome these challenges.
Arbitragem científica: yes
Acesso: Acesso Aberto
Aparece nas coleções:ISTAR-CRI - Comunicações a conferências internacionais
IT-CRI - Comunicações a conferências internacionais

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